Course Credit
FALL and SPRING full-time students are expected to select academic courses with an average load of 16-20 contact hours a week (approximately 4-5 classes). Academic courses will meet twice a week, for two hours per occasion. Therefore, each 14-week courses typically correspond to 4 credits at most North American colleges and universities. There are no additional fees for taking on a heavier load, but those wishing to take more than 26 contact hours a week must first receive approval from their home schools and AIT's Academic Director, András Recski.
Full-time student status at AIT requires 12 credits.
AIT is fully accredited by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). BME will provide credit transfer and an official transcript on behalf of AIT. BME is one of the largest universities in Hungary, founded in 1782 as the first engineering institution at the university level in Europe.
Official transcripts use the ECTS grading scale (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). In addition to this official transcript issued by BME, AIT also issues a certificate for each student which will list the courses taken and grades earned in the form of the American grading scale, in order to help home institutions better handle credit and grade transfers. (See more details below at Grades and Assessment.)
Some American universities have already pre-approved AIT's curriculum for easy credit transfer. You should check with your academic advisor and/or your study abroad office to find out what's involved in transferring credits from AIT to your home school.
Grades and Assessment
Assessment is ongoing throughout the semester. Particular forms of assessment for each course can be found in their respective syllabus. Any questions regarding the progress of your grade during the semester can be directed towards your professor.
Grades will be given by the professors in the standard American grading scale: A, B, C, D, F (including +/-), but these grades will only show up on your AIT issued certificate. Students at AIT are allowed to take courses for Audit, but are not allowed to take courses for a Pass/Fail grade. The AIT issued certificate is not an official document; it serves as a guideline or “dictionary” to help interpret the official transcripts.
The official transcripts issued by BME present grades according to the Hungarian (and ECTS) grading system: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; and no Audits will be seen on this document. Below is a translation of the Hungarian grading system into the U.S. system:
5 = A 4 = B 3 = C 2 = D 1 = F
Course selection process
Course enrollment at AIT is a flexible, three steps process: (1) The first step is taken during the application process, by indicating the courses of interest on the application form. Applicants are encouraged to indicate interest in 12-30 AIT credits of coursework. Applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss their proposed coursework with their academic advisors at their home schools before submitting the application. In the application form, applicants may also designate up to three courses that are required by their home school and AIT will try to schedule those courses in different time slots to avoid conflicts. (2) The second step is taken during orientation on the weekend before the semester begins. At orientation, each professor gives a presentation about their course, followed by a question-and-answer session. Some courses require an entrance exam in order to ensure that students are appropriately prepared to thrive in those courses. (3) The first two weeks of the semester are designated as a “shopping period”. During that period, students may attend more courses than they plan to take. In certain courses, the instructor may offer the students personalized feedback on their preparation for that course. At the end of the shopping period, students indicate their final course selection.
Course Dropping
- Students can add or drop any courses within the first two weeks of the fall or spring semester.
- After the second week of the semester students can drop or switch a course to audit only with the consent of their home institutions by filling the Course Dropping Form (available at the AIT Office).
- The final deadline for dropping courses is the end of the second week after the mid-semester break.
- After the final deadline students will receive ‘F’ for unfinished courses and no credit will be awarded.
- Students can choose to switch a course to ‘Audit’ no later than the second week after the mid-semester break. If a student chooses to audit a course they will not receive a grade or course credit. Audited courses will not show up on your official transcript.
- If a student is considering auditing a course or has any issues with their classes they should speak with AIT’s Academic Director, András Recski, either in person or via email (arecski [uhlztasp] ait-budapest [shzpokiz] com).
Withdrawals and Refunds
- If a student withdraws from the entire program within the first month of the semester, he/she will receive a 75% tuition refund.
- If a student withdraws from the entire program after the first month of the semester, he/she will not receive any type of tuition refund.
- If a student withdraws due to serious medical reasons before the mid-term break, and health conditions are certified by a doctor, they will receive a 50% tuition refund.
AIT offers a rigorous academic program with the expectation of a high level of student participation. Class sizes are small to allow for discussion and group work, which increases the importance of attending all classes. If you cannot attend class due to illness or other personal reasons you should email your professor and one of the staff members at AIT to let them know. If you miss three or more days of classes in a row due to illness, a note from a doctor is required (and should be presented to AIT staff upon your arrival back at school). Attendance dropping below 80% will severely affect your class grade.
It is expected that students arrive to class on time. Late arrival causes a disruption to everyone. Computer use should be kept to class related business only.
Course Evaluations
At the end of every semester students are asked to fill out a course evaluation form that addresses all aspects of a given course. Candid feedback on evaluations allows AIT to improve the quality of lectures and the overall academic environment.